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By: Roger Hultquist

Innovation is the driving factor that makes our products different. In this article, we will discuss some key features about how Orbetron feeders have been engineered to provide our customers with the most optimal performance. Orbetron disc feeders are the core of our business and have made us who we are today. We have a product line of some amazing disc feeders, below is our 50 through 200 series diameter disc that illustrates the innovation here at Orbetron.

Ex. 1

One of our favorite features when it comes to our disc feeders is the easy hopper change over.

– To change the material hopper, you simply finish your feeding process, detach the hopper from the motor assembly & replace it with a new one. By doing this you limit clean up time and get those shorter jobs done quicker, more effective, and you get the results you’re looking for. See Ex 1. For layout.

A big concern was developing disc feeders that allowed for zero clogging & a free-flowing experience. With our advanced technology, we have created flow-aids that allow for each of our customers’ products to effortlessly flow, creating faster, more accurate readings. Whether you have powders, pellets, or granulates we have a solution for you.

Orbetron has established a consistent image over the years, and that is our feeding rates. We offer 30 different screw & disc feeders that allow our customers to feed their products at very low rates. Our systems produce feeding rates as low as 1 gram an hour, getting those precise and tedious jobs done right. It also has the capability to feed up to 1,000 pounds per hour so no request is too difficult to fulfill.

Feeding Ex. Our systems can feed “1 pellet” every 15 seconds if programmed to. Performance & efficiency is a key factor driving our disc feeders in the market. Ex. 2 displays our 4-disc feeder sizes, the sizes are measured in “Inch diameter”.

Ex. 2

Here at Orbetron we realize that everyone’s products, applications and requirements are different, that is why we have innovated our products to better suite your feeding jobs. Our feeders are developed to give the customer the best possible experience, because we all know error can alter your outcome.

Our customers have full control of their system with their own control panel. Here they can toggle, change and adjust their presets as desired, we also offer technical support where Orbetron can access your panel and help you troubleshoot remotely from our S2 controls.

Now you may ask, what makes us different than our competitors? Our disc feeders are American made. We put time, patience and assurance into our products.

Every customer is different; every application is strategic, but they all have the same intend which is to feed. That is why every customer is given a product built specifically for what they need fed. We don’t offer you a feeder we offer you your feeder.

Here at Orbetron while times seem uneasy and buying decisions are calculated, we assure you customers’ investments are designed according to their needs. We have THREE steps to getting you your own feeder.


– We first design it based off of your feeding specifications & material chart.


– It is than rendered & engineered to make sure it fits your application requirements.


– After the customer is satisfied with their build, it is manufactured & shipped off.

*Shipping times depend on your order size, and when you need your product to arrive.

Here at Orbetron we have so much to offer and we hope you become apart of our family. Stay safe, healthy and Orbetron wants to thank you for your time.